Программирование [AmigosCode] Java Streams API (2023)

Команда форума
20 Фев 2019

Описание [AmigosCode] Java Streams API (2023):

Hey there, friends!
Are you interested in learning the latest techniques in Java functional programming? Look no further! Our comprehensive programming course covers everything you need to know, from the basics of functional programming and lambdas to advanced topics like the Java functional interface package and Java streams.
Java is an object-oriented programming language, which means that it uses a model of data and behavior that is organized around objects and their interactions. However, Java also supports functional programming, which is a programming paradigm based on the concept of functions. In functional programming, functions are first-class citizens, which means that they can be treated just like any other data type in the language. This allows for a more declarative style of programming, where the focus is on what needs to be done, rather than how it should be done.
In this course, you will learn about:
  • What is Java Functional Programming
  • Pure Functions
  • Lambdas
  • Java Functional Interfaces: Function, Suppliers, Consumers, Predicates
  • Java Combinator Pattern
  • Imperative vs Declarative
  • Java Streams API: Map, Filter, Reduce, Flatmap, Min, Max
  • Parallel streams
  • How Streams Work
  • Lots of Exercises
Who is the course for?
Intermediate/Senior Java Developers
The course is for anyone looking to deepen their knowledge of Functional programming and its application in real-world scenarios. This comprehensive course doesn’t just focus on learning syntax but also explores the special features that Java has to offer, such as lambda expressions, method references, and map operations.
Functional programming is useful to increase the performance, scalability, robustness, and maintainability of any Java application. It can be used to solve various problems such as developing multiple threads or handling remote communication with Java’s Stream API.
Whether you’re a beginner developer or a professional looking to improve your coding skills, this course will show you the big picture of functional programming and give you the techniques to implement it in your code.

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